Russell Ord

Locals Project: Photographer Russell Ord decided to use the COVID-19 isolation as a time to connect with his local surfing community, shooting this series of portraits of local surfers and asking them one simple question: How important is community, especially in times like this?

Photo Credit : Russell Ord

Brooksy: “This is the best community in the world – beautiful, tough people who look after each other.” 

Rod: “We all stick together as one and support each other in the best way. We all know the rules and if we stick to them we will get through these difficult times. We live in the best place in the world here in Margaret River, so let us enjoy what we have and stay healthy, so we can.”

Taggs: “If we stick together and all do the right thing we will get passed it! It is time to do as requested, not think of yourself only.”

Felicity: “Community is everything. We should take this time to gain perspective of what matters, our health, friends, family and our time spent in nature. If we all do the right things, we will come out of this together with more understanding, appreciation and even more connected than we were before.

Robbie: “The community is like an extension of your family, and family is everything.” 

Catherine: “This community has helped us to create an inspiring life. It's a place of unforgettable people who we love, and we will all thrive standing together.”

Ayla: “I am glad that I can still keep up with my school work and friends because it's all online and that the community helps to find new ways to improve the situation we're in.”

Mat: “In times like these, we see our community coming together and becoming closer. People are hurting right now, and they need to know that they are not alone and that people care. People are sharing their struggles, and others are listening. There are many good folks in Margaret River, and I'm particularly proud of the younger generation. We have an opportunity in these hard times to change our culture for the better for generations to come. I'm very proud of the Margaret River community.”

Freddie: “It's not WHAT you know; it's WHO you know! Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods will get you through anything!”

Dingo: “If you want to go FAST, go alone. If you want to go FAR, go together. Better together.”

Shanan: “Being involved in the community is super essential at the moment, as always. It's mentally refreshing in many ways to take the focus off yourself and to think of the needs of others. Having a positive group of people together, heading in a similar direction is a beautiful thing.”

Kalani: “Truly blessed to be a part of our community - hopefully, we will ride this wave out soon!”

Alby: “It's always amazing being able to share a smile, a wave and some happiness during tough times.” 

Tim: “Vital. Community connection means everything during a time of crisis. We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful place, not only rich with natural beauty but rich with a broad range of people who have been drawn here from everywhere, all contributing in their way to create an eclectic and fantastic community. Never underestimate Margaret River and the beautiful people we have around us.”

Steve: “We all stick together as one and support each other in the best way we can.”

Thomo: “Togetherness, enjoyment, understanding and empathy.”

John: “Unity and in times like this pulling together and helping the less fortunate.”

Yvonne: “Community is everything to me. I love living in the South West; I have been here for a long time. When I was young, all I wanted to do was come and live in Margaret River, and it's never disappointed me.”

Ruby: “Strong connections, happiness and I am so grateful to be brought up in this beautiful area.”

Rowan: “Belonging, coming together and helping one another.”

Charlotte: “Being together!”

Clive: “Connection.”

Tracey: “Sharing fun times through sport, building friendships and keeping in touch.”

Adam: “Family and friends that we can all hang out together from day to day, and we are so lucky to have a great community that is Margaret River. I feel fortunate to be part of it.”

Janelle: “I feel so fortunate to live here with incredibly inspiring people around. The ocean has always been my happy place, and I love the people I share that with.”

Lynne: “Community means to me - FAMILY!”

Willow: “You're only as strong as the person you have next to you!”

Erycka: “Everything. It's the soil of life. If you don't have people to share life with it's meaningless.”

Tom: “Wellness, happiness, enjoying spending time with like-minded people and the sense of belonging!”

Marty: “Family, friendship and sharing.”









Anything That Floats